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F - przód
B - tył
U - góra
D - dół
HP - wysoka pięść
LP - niska pięść
LK - niskie kopnięcie
HK - wysokie kopnięcie
BL - blokowanie
RUN - bieganie


Draw Weapon : B,B,HK

Electro Spark : D,B,HP
Shredder : B,B,B,LP
Blade Spin : F,D,F,BL (hold BL to continue, B/F moves)
Blade Swipe : B,HP

COMBO #1: Jump up kick,HP,HP,HK,HK,Blade Swipe (42%)
COMBO #2: (bone axe) Shredder,LP,Electro Spark (45%)

Head Chop : B,B,B,B,HP (close)
Blade Lift : B,F,D,F,LP (close)
Fan Stage : F,F,D,HK
Goro Stage : D,B,B,LK


Draw Weapon : B,F,HP

Net : B,B,LK
Bomb (long) : F,F,HK
Bomb (short) : B,B,HK
Teleport : F,D,BL*
Air Throw : D,F,BL then LP*

COMBO #1: Jumping HP,HP,HP,HK,D+HP,jumping HK,Air Throw (32%)
COMBO #2: (corner) Bomb,jumping HP,Air Throw (33%)

Last Request : U,U,F,D,BL (close)
End of the World : D,D,F,U,RN (sweep)
Fan Stage : B,F,F,HP
Goro Stage : D,B,B,LP


Draw Weapon : B,B,HP or F,F,HK

Hat Toss : B,F,LP
Teleport : D,U/D,D,U (P/K for regular jump up attack)
Dive Kick : U,D,HK in air
Spin : F,D,F,RN or U,U,LK (Hold RN/LK to continue, B/F moves)

COMBO #1: (corner) Jumping HK,hop HK,Hat Toss(early),jumping HP-Kick (36%)

Hat Decap : B,B,F,LP (full screen)
Boomerang Hat : F,F,B,D,HP (full screen)
Fan Stage : D,D,F,HP
Goro Stage : F,D,F,LK


Draw Weapon : F,B,HK

Fan Lift : B,B,B,HP
Fan Toss : F,F,HP+LP* (Hold HP,F,F,LP also works)
Wave Punch : D,B,HP
Fan Swipe : B,HP

COMBO #1: (corner) Jumping HK,Fan Lift,jumping up HP-Kick,Air Fan Toss,
jumping up HP and LP (43%)
COMBO #2: (corner) Jumping HK,fan toss x4,B+HK (50%)

Exploding Kiss : B,D,F,F,HK (close)
Head Chop : F,F,D,F,LK (close)
Fan Stage : F,D,F,LP
Goro Stage : D,D,F,LK


Draw Weapon : F,F,LP

Twin Daggers : Hold HP 1 second,release*
Teleport Kick : F,F,LK*
Roll : B,B,D,HK

COMBO #1: (near corner) Jumping HP,HP,HP,HK,D+HP,jumping HK,
Teleport Kick (31%)

Nail Spit : F,B,F,LP (outside sweep)
100 Sai Shots : B,B,B,F,LK (outside sweep)
Fan Stage : F,F,B,HP
Goro Stage : D,F,D,LP


Draw Weapon : D,B,LP

Upward Fireball : F,F,LP*
Down Fireball : B,B,HP
Zip Punch : D,F,HP
Slide Kick : D,F,LK
Handstand : BL+LK (UB/UF to jump out)
(spin kick) : Hold LP
(hard kick) : HK
(weak kick) : LK
(stand) : BL

COMBO #1: Upward Fireball,standing HP,jumping HK,Zip Punch (32%)
COMBO #2: (corner) Jumping HK,midair fireball,standing HP,upward fireball,
standing HP,jumping HP-Kick (45%)
COMBO #3: (corner) Hit out of air with jumping HP-Kick into midair fireball,
land, B+HK (53%)

Body Rip : U,F,U,B,HK (close)
Saw Blade : U,U,U,D,BL (outside sweep)
Fan Stage : F,F,D,BL
Goro Stage : B,F,D,HK


Draw Weapon : F,B,HP

Spark : D,B,LP
Wall Smash : F,F,LK*
Teleport : D,U

COMBO #1: (hammer, near corner) B+LP,B+LP,jumping HP,air wall smash (34%)
COMBO #2: (weapon not out) Jumping HP,HP,HP,HK,HK,Draw Hammer,jump HP,
air smash(45%)
Dynamo : F,B,U,U,HK (close)
Electrocute : D,U,U,U,HP (close)
Fan Stage : D,F,B,BL
Goro Stage : F,F,D,LP


Draw Weapon : B,F,LP

Kai : F,F,F,LK
Rayden : D,F,F,HP
Liu Kang : B,B,F,HK
Reptile : B,B,F,BL
Scorpion : F,B,LP
Jax : F,D,F,HK
Reiko : B,B,B,BL
Cage : D,D,HP
Jarek : B,B,B,LK
Tanya : B,F,D,BL
Fujin : F,F,B,HK
Sub-Zero : D,B,LP
Quan Chi : F,B,F,LK
Sonya : F,D,F,HP
Kitana : F,F,D,HP
Mileena : B,B,D,LP
Cyrax : D,B,D,LK
Kung Lao : D,F,B,HK
Baraka : F,B,F,LP

The Hand : D,B,F,D,RN (close)
Goal! : D,U,U,D,BL (close)
Fan Stage : D,D,F,HK
Goro Stage : D,F,B,HP


Draw Weapon : B,F,LK

Fireball : F,F,HP*
Low Fireball : F,F,LP
Flying Kick : F,F,HK
Bike Kick : Hold LK 3-5 seconds

COMBO #1: (corner) Jumping HK,hop HK,standing HP,Flying Kick,Flying Kick (36%)
COMBO #2: (jagged sword) Close HK,LP,HP(fast),Flying Kick (34%)

Dragon Morph : F,F,F,D,HK+BL+LK (1/2 screen)
Screen Shot : F,D,D,U,HP (close)
Fan Stage : F,F,B,LP
Goro Stage : F,F,B,HK


Draw Weapon : B,B,LK

Acid Spray : D,F,HP
Palm Strike : B,F,LP
Inviso : BL+HK
Super Crawl : B,F,LK

COMBO #1: (corner) Jumping HK,hop HK,Crawl,jumping HP-Kick (36%)

Beauty Treatment : Hold HP+LP+HK+LK then U (close)
3-D Acid Loogie : U,D,D,D,HP (outside sweep)
Fan Stage : D,F,F,LP
Goro Stage : D,D,F,HK


Draw Weapon : F,F,HK

Spear : B,B,LP
Tele-Punch : D,B,HP*
Fire Breath : D,F,LP
Air Throw : BL when both in air

COMBO #1: (near corner) Spear,HP,HP,HK,D+HP,run in,standing HP,Fire Breath,
run in,standing HP,Fire Breath (38%)
COMBO #2: Jump up kick,HK,HK,Spear,HP,HP,HK,B+HK (50%)
COMBO #3: (corner) Hit out of air with jumping HP-Kick,air teleport punch,
jump up again with HP-Kick (53%)

B.B.Q. : B,F,F,B,BL (1/2 screen)
Scorpion : B,F,D,U,HP (close)
Fan Stage : F,D,D,LK
Goro Stage : B,F,F,LK


Draw Weapon : D,F,HP

Gun Shot : D,F,LP
Slide Punch : D,B,LP
Earthquake : F,F,D,LK
Backbreaker : BL when both in air
Multi Throw : Throw,then(hold)RN+BL+HK > HP+LP+LK > HP+BL+LK > HP+LP+HK+LK

COMBO #1: (corner) Jumping HK,hop HK,standing HP,Slide Punch,standing LP,
Slide Punch (41%)
COMBO #2: (near corner) HP,HK,D+HP,run in,standing HP,Slide Punch,standing
LP,Slide Punch,standing LP,Gun Shot (46%)

Arm Rip : Hold LK before you win then F,F,D,F,release LK (close)
Head Smash : B,F,F,D,BL (close)
Fan Stage : F,F,B,LK
Goro Stage : F,F,B,HP


Draw Weapon : D,B,HP

Vertical Teleport : D,U* (BL to throw, P/K for regular jump up attack)
Horiz.Teleport : B,F,LK
Flip Kick : B,D,F+HK
Throwing Stars : D,F,LP

COMBO #1: Jump up kick,HP,HK,HK,Flip Kick,standing LP,LP,jumping LK (49%)
COMBO #2: (corner) Jumping HK,hop HK,hop HP and HK,
air teleport with HP,Kick (42%)

Power Kick : F,D,F+HK+BL+LP+LK (close)
Shuriken Massacre : B,B,D,D,HK (outside sweep)
Fan Stage : D,D,B,LP
Goro Stage : F,F,D,LK


Draw Weapon : F,D,F,LK

High Fire : D,F,HP
Low Fireball : D,B,LP
Groin Punch : BL+LP (dosen't work on women)
Shadow Kick : B,F,LK
Shadow Upper : B,D,B,HP

COMBO #1: Jump up kick,HP,HP,HK,D+HP,run in,HP,jumping HK,Shadow Kick (42%)
COMBO #2: (pirate sword) HK,B+LP,Shadow Kick (27%)

Body Rip : F,B,D,D,HK (close)
Head Punch : D,D,F,D,BL (close)
Fan Stage : D,F,F,HK
Goro Stage : B,F,F,LK


Draw Weapon : F,F,HP

Forward Roll : B,F,LK
Upward Roll : F,D,F,HP
Blade Toss : D,B,LP
Earthquake : B,D,B,HK

COMBO #1: (corner) Jumping HK,hop HK,standing HP,Blade Toss,Earthquake (35%)
COMBO #2: (curved sword) Jumping up kick,HK,HP,LP,Earthquake (42%)

Heart Pull : F,B,F,F,LK (close)
Eye Beam : U,U,F,F,BL (outside sweep)
Fan Stage : F,D,F,HK
Goro Stage : B,F,F,LP


Draw Weapon : F,F,HK

Fire Ball : D,F,HP
Air Fireball : D,B,LP in air
Spin Kick : F,F,LK
Spilts Kick : F,D,B+LK

COMBO #1: (corner) Jumping HK,hop HK,Spin Kick,standing HP,Spin Kick
Splits Kick(42%)
COMBO #2: (corner / boomerang) Jumping HK,hop HK,Spin Kick,hop HK,Spin

Explode Kiss : D,D,U,D,HP+BL (close)
Neck Breaker : D,F,D,F,HK (close)
Fan Stage : B,F,D,HP
Goro Stage : F,F,F,LP


Draw Weapon : B,B,LP

Dust Storm : F,D,F,HP
Slam : B,F,D,LK from the dust storm
Spin : F,D,LP(hold) (B/F moves)
Flying Knee : D,F,HK
Diving Kick : U,D,LK in air

COMBO #1: Dust Storm,jump up kick,Dust Storm,Slam,standing HK,
Flying Knee (45%)
COMBO #2: (any weapon) Dust Storm,jumping HP(late),Dust Storm,Slam,standing
HK, jumping LP (50%)

Turkey Shoot : Tap BL+RN 12x (1/2 screen)
Wind Blast : D,F,F,U,BL (outside sweep)
Fan Stage : D,D,D,HK
Goro Stage : B,F,B,HP


Draw Weapon : D,F,HK

Ice Ball : D,F,LP
Ice Clone : D,B,LP*
Slide : LP+BL+LK

COMBO #1: (ice staff) B+HP,jumping HK,B+LP,B+HP,jumping HP (31%)
COMBO #2: (ice staff) Jump up kick,HK,B+LP,jump up kick,HK,B+HP,
jumping HP (43%)

3-D Headrip : F,B,F,D,HP+BL+RN (close)
Ice Smash : B,B,D,B,HP (outside sweep)
Fan Stage : D,U,U,U,HK
Goro Stage : D,D,D,LK


Draw Weapon : D,B,HK

Skull Fireball : F,F,LP
Teleport Stomp : F,D,LK
Steal Weapon : F,B,HP when their weapon is drawn
Slide Kick : F,F,HK
Air Throw : BL when both in air

COMBO #1: (corner) Jumping HK,hop HK,hop HP and LP,Air Throw (40%)
COMBO #2: (mace) B+LP,B+LP,Teleport Stomp (30%)

Leg Rip : Hold LK before you win then F,D,F,release LK (close)
Imperson-ality : U,U,D,D,LP (outside sweep)
Fan Stage : F,F,D,HP
Goro Stage : F,F,B,LK


Draw Weapon : F,F,LK

Purple Fireball : D,F,LP
Bike Kick : B,B,D,HK
Air Punch : F,B,HP
Leg Grab : Hold D,BL+LP
Forward Flipkick : B,D,F+LK
Air Throw : BL when both in air

COMBO #1: (near corner) Jumping HP,HP,HP,HK,D+HP,run in,HK,jumping HP and LP,
Air Throw (49%)
COMBO #2: (blade wheel near corner) Flip Kick,B+HP,B+HP,HP (28%)

Kiss Blade : D,D,D,U,RN (outside sweep)
Deadly Flipkick : U,D,D,U,HK (outside sweep)
Fan Stage : D,B,B,HK
Goro Stage : F,D,F,HP


Fireball : F,B,HP
2 Hand Swipe : F,F,HP
High Stomp : F,F,B,HK
Weak Upper : D,D,HP
Big Boot : B,B,HK
Short Stomp : B,F,D,D,HK
Taunt : N/A
Body Lunge : CPU only
Hook Punch : N/A

COMBO #1: Jump up kick,HP,HP,HK,HK,Weak Upper,High Stomp (52%)
COMBO #2: Close HK,HK,Hand Swipe,Short Stomp (41%)

Torso Kick : HP with FATALITY 1 cheat on
Head Punch : LP with FATALITY 2 cheat on


Draw Weapon : F,F,HK

Fireball : D,F,LP
White Fireball : B,B,F,F,HK (disables blocking)
Teleport : D,U* (BL to throw, P/K for regular jump up attack)
Air Throw : BL when both in air

COMBO #1: (corner) Jumping HP,HP,HP,HK,D+HP,run in,HP,jumping HP and LP,
Air Throw (48%)
COMBO #2: Jump up kick,HP,HP,HK,D+HP,run in,HP,Fireball (34%)

Torso Kick : HP with FATALITY 1 cheat on
Ice Smash : LP with FATALITY 2 cheat on
Fan Stage : D,B,B,HK
Goro Stage : F,D,F,HK


Draw Weapon : B,F,HK

Homing Missile : F,D,B,HP
Straight Missile : F,F,LP
Double Missile : B,B,F,LP
Teleport Punch : F,F,LK*

COMBO #1: Jumping up kick,HK,HK,Teleport Punch,Double Missile (43%)
COMBO #2: Teleport Punch,Double Missile,Teleport Punch,Double Missile (36%)

Flame Blast : F,F,D,F,BL (sweep) *added 1/17/01*
Smasher : F,F,F,B,BL (outside sweep)
Fan Stage : B,F,F,HK
Goro Stage : D,F,B,LK