

Marjean Holden - Sheeva z filmu MK Annihilation odpowiada na pytania polskich fanów! 8 sierpnia 2003 r.

MK Center: How many hours did you spend your the location?

Marjean Holden: In total, we spent 4 months shooting MKII in various locations. We were in London for awhile, then on to Jordan and Aman, (I didn't go to those two places as I wasn't needed...bummer!) and then on to Thailand for 2 months. When I was shooting, I was usually on set for 12 hours a day, and then another hour or so taking my makeup off at home and getting cleaned up.

MK Center: You acted short time in film, didn't you? Should it be or the scenario was shorter for you?

Marjean Holden: I'm not quite sure what you mean by this question, but yes. I was only in the film a short time. Believe me...if it were up to me? The whole movie would have been about Sheeva! But it was still a lot of fun!

MK Center: Who was your favourite actress / actor on the plan's film?

Marjean Holden: You know what...everyone on the film was so cool. WE all had such a great time, I loved them all! We are all still friends, and see each other occasionally. I see Musetta, Robin and Sandra the most however, which means probably a few times a year. Hopefully I'll see them more now, as I have been out of the country for the last few years working but am home now!

MK Center: What's the feeling to have four hands? :)

Marjean Holden: SOOOOOOOOO weird! And uncomfortable as well. I had a harness that was fitted under my costume...which there wasn't much of in the first place! And it was extremely constricting. The prosthetic arms did get heavy sometimes, but they were removable, so if it got to be too uncomfortable they would take them off! I did have fun with them on occasion...I could walk by someone and grab the m...giving them a shock!

MK Center: Do you regret that you couldn't fight in film?

Marjean Holden: Yes, I do. THere was going to be a huge fight between Rayden, Liu Kang and Sheeva, however because of the computer generation on my arms, it was going to be too expensive, so that fight got cut. IT was a great disappointment, because so many people wanted to see Sheeva fight.

MK Center: How often play you at game MK? Is Sheeva your favorite character?

Marjean Holden: I had never played game until I auditioned for the part, and then I played it a little bit to see what Sheeva's moves were so I could recreate them for the film. Unfortunately I never got to use them! And I don't think I've played the game since then. I'm not a big video game chick!

MK Center: Do you work for a new production of film?

Marjean Holden: My next film gets released in October here in the states on DVD for Disney, George of the Jungle 2. I, of course, play a bad girl again! I also did a series for 2 years called Beastmaster:The Legend Continues. I have no idea if you guys get that or not there in Poland. I know it does show in Germany and the UK I believe. Oh...George of the Jungle 2 will be released August 18th on DVD and Video in the U.K.

MK Center: What do you think TV serial "MK: Conquest" about? Would you like act in that serial?

Marjean Holden: I haven't actually seen the series. The didn't ask any of us from the film cast to participate when they were shooting that, and they have finished filming long ago. I'm sure it would have been just as much fun as the movie though!

MK Center: Which scene was for you the longest and the hardest? When had to hard work?

Marjean Holden: IT took us days to shoot the opening sequence when we all appear in the temple ruins. It was hot, hot and hotter. This was probably the hardest scene for me, although when we shot around the huge MK symbol in Shao Khan's chamber, it was unbelievably hot. We shot in a warehouse with no air conditioning and it was over 100 degrees f outside making it worse inside. We had the onset medic who made regular rounds to make sure we were all drinking enough fluids.

MK Center: What do you know MK3 The Movie about? Could you tell me who could play in that film?

Marjean Holden: This one I have no idea. I haven't heard anything in regards to the filming...Sorry!

MK Center: Had "Sheeva" and "Motaro" a quarrel on plan's film?

Marjean Holden: Sheeva and Motaro did not like each other one bit! They were in constant rivalry with each other, but there was no fight planned between the two of them no.

And special questions:

MK Center: Have you ever been in Poland? What do you think about this country?

Marjean Holden: I have not been to Poland, so maybe one day in the future I will get the chance! I love to travel and it is always fun to see other cultures and sites! Blessings to everyone, and Thank you for letting me share my experiences with you!